Champions of Triple V Rodeo Company

Featured on this page are the Bulls, Broncs and Individuals who have been or currently are buckle and money winning champions!
WPRA Stock Contractor of the Year in 2015
A Tribute to the Great American Cowboy Casper, Wyoming
November 2, 2013
This team of Officials, John Barlogio and Bruce Keller, would like to congratulate the hard working committee that has produced “A Tribute to the Great American Cowboy” PRCA Rodeo. Your group obviously works tirelessly to produce your event, and for this we tip our “Resistols” to you, well done!
You are doing something right as your rodeo is attracting past World Champions, NFR qualifiers and future PRCA champions. Your community outreach with Children’s Western Wishes and the Tribute to our Troops inspire pride in all of us.
It is truly an honor to be assigned to officiate such a well-‐choreographed
production, your attention to detail makes the PRCA thank you.
Respectfully submitted, Bruce Keller
PRCA Official
Crew Chief, Casper, WY November 2, 2013